Viscometer VSN-3M

Viscometer VSN-3M

The rotational viscometer VSN-3M (Viscometer VSN-3) is designed to measure the rheological characteristics of visco-plastic bodies (drilling muds, paints, oil products, etc.), as well as to determine the dynamic viscosity of Newtonian fluids.


Technical specifications:

Name 6 speeds 5 speeds
1. viscosity measurement range:

  • – newtonian fluid, mPa·s
  • – non-Newtonian fluid, mPa·s
  • – static shear stress, n/m²
  • – 0,5-300
  • – 0-250
  • – 0-45
  • – 0,5-300
  • – 0-250
  • – 0-45
2. rotation speed, rpm. 3;6;100;200;300;600 0,2;200;300;400;600
3. rotation of the sleeve (rotor) when measuring dynamic viscosity, rpm. 300 200
4. rotation of the sleeve (rotor) when measuring static shear stress, rpm. 3 0,2
5. diameter of the sleeve (rotor), mm 36,83 44
6. diameter of the measuring head (bob), mm 34,5 39,62
7. height of the measuring head (bob), mm 38 60
8. angle of rotation of the measuring element 310 310
9. power supply of the device, V 220 220
10. power consumption, W 70 70
11. overall dimensions (LxWxH), mm
12. device weight, kg 8,2 8,2


It is applied according to:

  • – RD 39-00147001-773-2004 “Methods of monitoring parameters of drilling mud”.
  • – GOST 33213-2014 (ISO 10414-1: 2008) “Water based drilling fluids”.
  • – GOST 33697-2015 (ISO 10414-2: 2011) “Hydrocarbon-based drilling fluids”.
  • – GOST 33696-2015 (ISO 10416: 2008) “Drilling fluids. Laboratory tests “.
  • – GOST R 56946-2016 (ISO 13500: 2008) “Oil and gas industry. Materials of drilling fluids. Technical conditions and tests”.
  • – STO Gazprom 7.3-002-2010 “Regulatory documents for the construction of wells. Drilling fluids. Field tests”.